On May 7th, 2018, Cherokee Multi-Agency Narcotics Squad (CMANS) Agents arrested another heroin dealer who came into Cherokee County to deal his deadly product. In this case, the product was believed to be the substance known as “Gray Death”.
Cherokee Sheriff’s Office deputies and CMANS agents arrested Schamell Anthony Powell, of Penny Lane in Marietta. CMANS Agents had received a tip from a concerned citizen saying that Mr. Powell was distributing heroin in the Woodstock area. Deputies and Agents saw Mr. Powell as he came into Woodstock and placed him under observation. Deputies and Agents approached Mr. Powell at 9425 Highway 92, within the city of Woodstock. Mr. Powell was discovered to be in possession of about 2.5 grams of a substance believed to be the heroin compound known as “Gray Death”.
Mr. Powell was charged with Possession of Heroin with Intent to Distribute.
Phil Price, CMANS’ Commander, said, “We are committed to making Cherokee County a terrible place to deal drugs. And the CMANS is committed to working with the Accountability Courts, the healthcare community and all our partners in various disciplines to address this awful problem.”
This arrest is a result of inter-agency cooperation with CMANS member agencies and due to the formation of the Cherokee Multi-Agency Narcotics Squad Heroin/Opiate Team. H.O.T was formed to specifically combat the influx of Heroin and other opioids into Cherokee County. The Agents assigned to H.O.T, have special training related to the investigation of prescription fraud/forgery, diversion, Heroin, and synthetic opioids. Agents assigned to H.O.T actively pursue cases related to opioid abuse involving fraudulent prescriptions, cases of double doctoring, or diversion of medications to illicit use, Heroin and other synthetic opioids.
The Cherokee Multi-Agency Narcotics Squad is a joint task force working in Cherokee County to investigate drug-related violations. Participating agencies include the Cherokee Sheriff’s Office, the Canton Police Department, the Woodstock Police Department, the Holly Springs Police Department, the Ball Ground Police Department, the Cherokee County Marshal’s Office, the District Attorney’s Office for the Blue Ridge Judicial Circuit, and the Georgia State Patrol. Citizens may call in tips anonymously to (770) 345-7920 or may speak to an agent by calling (678) 493-7625.